Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sunsets in the kingdom

so which do you like the most?


Raghav said...

thanx sachin...will do

kiran sawhney said...

wow. nice pics. i like sunrise better.

Akshay said...

last one looks pretty good to me!! hey I am blog rolling you....

Akshay said...

Looks like I blog rolled u previously, but I lost my blogroll.... anyways I have added u again...

Prixie said...

they are all beautiful

Sahefa said...

I like the third one!

Raghav said...

kiran...u like it better than...?

thanx akshay

prixie...glad you liked it

sahefa...cos of the waves?

MysLykeMeeh said...

i always love the colour of the sunset and the smell..., the feeling and the moment...

I loved all of it but the last picture quite more captivating!

Unknown said...

I like all of them too!

They take me back in time...

Express said...

Ah, setting sun and the sea....
:-) :-)

The 1st one is class but I like the 3rd one best :-)

Raghav said...

mys lyke, alok, express...nothing more captivating is there ?
thanx for the comments