Sunday, January 21, 2007

This magical night

This is a night of our union
this is a magical night.
I never want this moment to end
I want this night to go on forever.

This is the night our souls purge themselves of all sin
this is the night of our communion,
this night is the stallion on which we ride into the sunset
into our dreamland.

This night I surrender to you,
this night I dedicate to you,
this night I worship you.

This night is not of the moon's or the star's
this night has no day,
this night will never return.

This night is a lifetime
this night is eternal,
this night is ours.


Keshi said...

Im a night lover too.


Sarah said...

I think I had a night like this once ... memorys live forever

whimsical brainpan said...

Very beautiful. I hope whoever you wrote this about has seen it (and appreciates it).

Raghav said...

keshi...u must be a lunar sign

sarah...they sure do

bbc...make that 27 (well almost) dude i worry about my present !!

whims....she sure does :)

none said...

Thanks for the comments. I like your poetry.

Steven said...

I hate when people write better than me...

Which means I am currently filled with hate. ;)


SeePearrl said...

I am an obvious noctornul!
as I work in shifts!

karmic said...

Thats neat!

paris said...

say it again while i'm sipping on my nice sight...

Keshi said...

Im lunatic alrite LOL!


Raghav said...


steve...i take that as a compliment. thanx.

white...whatever works for u!

sanjay...thanx, its easy to be neat when i type on the keyboard, u should see the mess i create when i use a pen on paper!


keshi...ill take that as a confession!

Keshi said...

aha :)


Unknown said...

Simply awesome....

well... an insomniac will absolutely fall in love this verse!

Somehow... just love the night...
Surrender is so so sweet...
You conquer only when u surrender...

All the best mate!

Dan said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! You write beautifully!

And you turned yourself into a chimp during the course of this comment thread! Now that's amazing!

Raghav said...

iceman...thanx cool dude

dan...i took the mask off, which one do u prefer ??!!

Trundling Grunt said...

Good night.

I cannot comment on your photo of your wife so I'll have to do it here. If her character is as attractive as her form then you are one lucky man. Congratulations - may you both be happy forever.

Raghav said...

trundling....her character is even more beautiful. thanx

Russell CJ Duffy said...

unable to comment on the beauty and the beast photo so i will leave my comments here. keep a wary eye open in the dead of night for a pale englishmen stealing into your home on tiptoes and abducting your gorgeous wife!!!


(her not you!)

Raghav said...

cocaine....i have trained blood-thirsty rotweilers for the likes of you!!
they are trained to attack and kill any pale englishmen, and a few of my in-laws !!